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Download FilterMeister

To download FilterMeister 1.0, follow these steps:


FM Components

To install FM as a series of individual components, download the desired zip files from the following table.

The only zip file you really need is the first one, which contains the FilterMeister plug-in, the release notes, and the readme.txt file.  The rest of the zip files contain sample filters and the FM manuals in pdf format.

After downloading the desired files, unzip them with WinZip, or some other unzip utility, into the appropriate FilterMeister plug-in directory for your host application (e.g., unzip into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop 5.5\Plug-Ins\FilterMeister if you are using Photoshop 5.5).  The following table gives a list of typical installation directories for various graphics host applications.

Be sure to select the "Use folder names" option (or equivalent) in the WinZip Extract dialog to make sure the files go into the proper subfolders of the FM plug-in directory.

FM Source Code

You can also download the source code for FilterMeister:

Or the source code for FMVS (write plugins using Visual Studio):


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